- Project Template
A Unreal Engine 4.18 project template that contains the C++ classes used by Ace Combat 7
By Kosnag, GreenTrafficLight & Dantofu
- Extra Project Template Files (WIP)
Contains dummy assets (aka recreated assets of AC7 but not to the fullest) for the project template.
Contribution to the google drive by adding the remaining assets is appreciated
By GreenTrafficLight
- DefaultConfig.ini, DefaultEngine.ini and DefaultGame.ini
For the Nimbus template
By GreenTrafficLight
- UAssetGUI (UAsset Editor)
By atenfyr
PSA: The current latest version of UAssetGUI, v1.0.1, has a lot of stuff different from previous v1.0.0 versions, and it also affects the .JSON files saved. If you heavily work with .JSONs (editing them on .JSONs and saving it on UAssetGUI), I suggest saving the .JSONs as .UASSETs on v1.0.0, then switch to v1.0.1, and then export as .JSON. Trying to save a v1.0.0 .JSON will NOT work on UAssetGUI v1.0.1.
- Blender PSK/PSA Importer
By matyalatte
- Blender Empties to Bones (Mesh editing)
By artelblender
- Wwise-Unpacker
Can be used to unpack audio .pck files of games which use Wwise for audio
By mortalis13
- Incomplete ACI models
By Dantofu
- ACI/AC6 resources + extra
By Rythus
- AC Blender Plugin (For AC:AH and ACI)
by GreenTrafficLight
- ACE7Decrypt (Command line AC7 dat file decryptor)
Decrypt the dat files (used for localization) of Ace Combat 7
By GreenTrafficLight
- Ace7Ed
Tool to modify the dat files (used for localization) of Ace Combat 7. Use this instead of DATLocalizationTool, which is now deprecated.
By GreenTrafficLight
- AC7ModTools (Quick texture modding)
By lotsbiss
- UE4 x TrueSky functionality presentation
By Unreal Engine JP
- AC7 Merger (Alpha Phase)
By GreenTrafficLight
- Intel GPA (ACI Texture ripper)
By Intel
- AC7 - Game Physics Calculator
By ElectronicOldMen
- Codename VANILLA -Template Repository-
- Aircraft Fonts Repository
By cipherunknown, US Department of Defense, Ministry of Defence (UK), Federal Ministry of Defence (Germany), Department of National Defence (Canada)
- Stove
For editing cooked Unreal Engine maps (umaps)
By BananaTurtleSandwich
- Nuggets Choice
An ACE7 mods utility; can be used to enable/disable mods.
By Frag
- Blender Project for Decal Nodes
By Kosnag
- Localization files
Encrypted Localization files. You need to use DATLocalizationTool by GreenTrafficLight in order to modify them.
- UModel (Ace Combat 7 Version)
Specific version of UModel. Allows visualization and extraction of files. MAKE SURE TO READ THE README.txt
AES Key ishttps://ace7.acecombat.jp/specia
By spiritovod
- Ace Combat 7 SDK
Useful to find booleans and strings of some blueprints. Can be used to make your own project template.
- Child of "f18f_00_Decal_Inst" or "a10a_00_Decal_Inst":
Alpha and blue channel emission works only during minigames, emblems on standard positions.
To make emblems work, use (plane)_Decal_Inst.
Emblems works via Texture Coordinates for second UV map, without second UV map emblems will not works.
- Child of "f16c_00_Decal_Inst":
Blue channel emission works only during mini-games, emblems on standard positions, alpha channel emission disabled.
To make emblems work, use (plane)_Decal_Inst.
Emblems works via Texture Coordinates for second UV map, without second UV map emblems will not works.
- Child of "XXXX_00_Inst", "XXXX_00_CP_Inst", or just "aircraft_Inst":
Blue channel emission works permanently, no emblems and no alpha channel emission.
- Child of "su35_00_Decal_Inst":
Alpha and blue channel emission works only during minigames, emblems on custom positions.
To make emblems work, use (plane)_Decal_Inst.
Emblems works via Texture Coordinates for second UV map, without second UV map emblems will not work.
- Child "aias_Tiled_Inst":
Blue channel emission permanently works with "blinking", no emblems & no alpha channel emission.
- Child of "f18f_CP_Inst":
SWP MFD feature works, and blue channel emission work permanently.
- Child of "zoef_CP_Holo_Trans_Inst":
Alpha channel of diffuse map works as opacity mask with perma blue channel emission.
Recommended to use only for decals and interfaces like in Falken, Adler or Fenrir cockpits.
- Cheat Engine search address guide for ACI meshes (NDP3)
This is important to search for the NDP3 files and misc meshes for a certain ACI plane. (RPCS3 and ACI plane mesh ripping guide required)1. NDP3, first range Search for NDP3, 331500210 - 331600210 2. NDP3, last range Search for NDP3, Last section of 331xxxxxx Look for the sea of zeroes under memory browser 3. MNT, first range Search for MNT, First section of 325C5xxxx 4. MNT, last range Search for p_(aircraft_id), Last section of 325xxxxxx Look for the sea of zeroes under memory browser and NME 201
- Model to Vertex Group script (Blender)
Generates vertex group with the mesh name, for every selected mesh.
Put the script below in the "script" tab of Blender.import bpy assert bpy.context.mode == 'OBJECT' for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: if ob.type != 'MESH': continue vg = ob.vertex_groups.new(name=ob.name) vg.add(list(range(len(ob.data.vertices))), 1.0, 'REPLACE')
- Weapon Modding Experiment Notes
By Gen0-234. Last updated: February 19, 8:41 PM UTC+7
This document notes down Gen0-234's notes during his experiments in modding weapons. PAK file(s) may be provided for some experiments should anyone wishes to confirm, replicate, or do further experiments. The document may be updated if he does more testing and write down anything of note.