The mod management screen has many planned features, but currently it lists installed mods and tells you which ones have updates available. To access the screen, look for the new button that reads “MODS” on the bottom left of your Dinkum title screen.
Each mod in the list is a button. Clicking it will take you to the Nexus files page for the mod. Mods that have an update available will always be at the top of the list, then mods with no update available, and finally mods that are not set up to check for mods.
> If you install an update for a mod, make sure you restart the game to actually load the updated mod.
Mods will only be able to check for updates if they have a NexusID setting in their configuration file. There are a few ways to do this:
- If you are a mod author:
- Option 1 - If you are using the TR Tools API, then include your nexus ID when initializing. See the Basics Page for more info on how to initialize.
- Option 2 - If you are not using the TR Tools API, then you could manually add the NexusID setting to your config file in the same way you would for any other config setting. The section it is in does not matter.
- If you are a mod user:
- Find the config file for the mod in question. These are in the Dinkum/BepInEx/config folder and have the same name as the plugin.
- If there is no config file for the mod, you can create one yourself. To do this automatically, open the dev.TinyResort.TRTools config file and change the “CreateEmptyConfigFiles” setting to true. Next time you start the game, a config file will be created for any plugins that don't already have one.
- Open the file in a text editor like notepad and add a new line that reads "NexusID=#" without the quotations. Replace the '#' with the ID for the nexus mod. The line can be in any section.
See the Nexus ID page for more info.