Have an idea for a mod? Great! Dinkum does not officialy support mods yet, but thanks to the efforts of the community it's possible make significant changes to the game.
Currently Dinkum requires you to inject code into the game to make modding possible, this process is made easier through the use of BepInEx 6.
Asset modding is made possible through a combination of code injection & unity asset bundles.
Custom Items are possible however adding new ID's into the game will brick people's saves if they remove your mod.
A code mod comes in the format of a .dll file and contains assembly files & user written code.
This code hooks into the game using BepInEx and modifies the game at run-time.
Before you start modding Dinkum there are a number of tools you may wish to install based on the type of mod you're trying to create.
Name | Description |
BepInEx 6.0.0-pre.1 | The code injector we use for dinkum mods. (BepInEx_UnityMono_x64_6.0.0-pre.1.zip) |
.NET | Recommeneded to install the latest .NET framework. |
Dinkum | You need the latest version of Dinkum installed to access it's code. |
Name | Description |
Visual Studio | Optional IDE for making your mod. |
Rider | Optional IDE for making your mod. |
dotPeek | Optional .NET decompiler. |
ILSpy | Optional .NET decompiler. |
dnSpy | Optional .NET decompiler. |
Assembly Publicizer | Generates a modified version of the games assembly to make modding easier. |
NStrip | It's the same as assembly publicizer but can also strip method bodies which makes dlls smaller. |
NuGet Package Manager | Recommended for making the modding process easier with packages. |
BepInEx Templates | Makes the process of creating new mods/plugins faster. |
Unity 2020.3.17 | Required for loading the game into a unity project. |
Asset Ripper | Used to decompile Dinkum into a usable unity project. |
Asset Bundle Browser | Use this to build asset bundles from the extracted dinkum unity project. |
Unity Explorer | (BepInEx plugin) An in-game UI for exploring, debugging and modifying Unity games. |
NG Missing Script Recovery | Helps to recover missing components in Unity Project. |
You can decompile the game's code using a .NET decompiler. The file you want to decompile is "Dinkum\Dinkum_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll" in the game's installation folder.
Make sure you always update your game to the latest version and reference the latest Assembly-CSharp.dll in your mod projects.
You will be able to use BepInEx and Harmony to hook into the games code and modify it or reference existing code and run your own custom methods.
Name | Author | Description |
Value Tooltip | Octrs | This is a UI mod for Dinkum, it will add a tooltip to items that display their value (how much you can sell them for). |
Anti Trypohobia | Octrs | Changes the fertilized dirt textures to avoid triggering people who have trypophobia. |
Example Item | Octrs | Contains the base code for loading a custom asset bundle into dinkum and importing it as a new inventory item. |
Example Furniture | Octrs | Contains the base code for loading a custom asset bundle into dinkum and importing it as a new furniture item. |
Auto Pickup | Arwent | Automatically pickup items near you without needing to right click on it. |
Dinkum Chinese | xiaoye97 | Translates Dinkum into Chinese. |
dinkum-mods | funlennysub | Collection of Dinkum mods that could be used as a reference. |
Summon Jimmy, Summon Ted | DrStalker | Simple mods that demonstrate looking at existing game data and calling an existing function. |
Book Mod | Seishin | Simple quality of life mod that allows you to use the Bug, Fish and Plant books without having to hold them |