This content only applies to Skyrim Special Edition.
This guide was original posted here by jeromeJrm and has been relocated to this wiki.
Your parallax texture (height map) needs to be located in the alpha channel of your landscape diffuse texture. Pixels with brightness (value) of 127 are flat, meaning parallax shift doesn't occur there (no up or down), but is still computed (127 value is not an off switch).
Complex Material is a new way to introduce more complex glossy-spec based shading.
The environment map mask texture was repurposed to make use of each channel, to include any necessary maps for glossy spec shading.
Mask for the amount of the environment texture (as in vanilla)
This channel is now for your glossiness map. Having pixels of dark value makes both specular, envmap map reflection smoother, where high values makes spec sharper (smaller) and env map also sharper (Inverse roughness). Neither specularity nor env map will change their strength no matter the amount of glossiness. An important note: any pixel value below or equal to 4/255 is being considered as black and will disable complex material. This is due to compression issues, with values lower than 4.
Here goes your metallic map. Values of 255 are being full metal shaded, meaning your specular color and environment reflection color are influenced by the color of your diffuse map. Values towards 0 reduce this colouring effect and suits to all non metal surfaces, like wood, dirt, plastic fabric and so on.
Parallax (heightmap) textures belong to this Channel. The rules for values are the same as written above in Terrain parallax, except a complete white alpha channel (255 value) is flat, but not computed.
Decals share the same properties as objects' complex material.
Skin shaders only have a glossiness map at this moment, which is located in the green channel of the specular map. The red channel remains being the specular map as in vanilla.
The glossiness map controls the softness/sharpness of the specular reflection.