TR Tools is a DLL containing multiple frameworks and tools for easier mod creation.
TR Tools is a necessary dependency for all mods created using it; fortunately, installing it is simple. Just download the latest version from the Nexus mod page and extract it to your BepInEx plugins folder like any other mod. You should have a “TR Tools” folder in your plugins folder now. Inside the TR Tools folder should be a few folders and the plugin itself.
Most features of TR Tools are designed to help mod creators, but a few features are helpful to mod users as well:
Page Name | Description |
Mod Management | Easily check for which mods have updates with the mod management screen. |
Chat Commands (Users) | How to use chat commands and what commands are added by TR Tools. |
Quick Item Creation | Ever wanted to put your face on your character's shirt? No? Well in any case, if you want to customize your clothing or create a clothing mod with no coding required, read this page. |
If you are creating a mod and want to use TR Tools functionality, follow the same installation steps as above for mod users. Then add a reference to the assembly to your project just as you do when adding references to base game assemblies.
The above features that are relevant to users are also relevant to mod authors, but below are pages that explain how to use features of TR Tools that are only relevant to mod authors:
Page Name | Description |
Basic Setup | How to add your mod as a TR Plugin and use related functionality. |
Custom Items | How to add custom items to your mod. |
Custom Save Data | How to save and load mod data, subscribe to save/load events, and how to prevent corruption of the base game save data. |
Custom Licences | How to add a custom licence to gate your mod's features behind progression. |
Chat Commands (Modders) | How to add custom chat commands to allow users to call functions from your mod manually. |
Custom Assets | How to import custom assets for use with your mod (currently only textures can be imported). |
Creating Objects | Guidelines for creating game objects in Dinkum. |
Compatibility | Information on how to ensure your mod is compatible with TR Tools. Currently covers: Custom Storage. |