To begin, open Vortex and navigate to your Collections Workshop.
If your collection is not in your workshop, see the next article.
Hover over the collection you want to manage and select "Edit".
This will bring up the list of mods currently added to the collection.
On the site, your collection page will change as shown with the new revision, and new list of mods.
If you no longer have the collection you wish to update in your workshop, you can add it back manually.
First you have to add the collection to Vortex like you would a normal collection installation.
Once you have installed it, the view page will open automatically or you can find it in your added collections tab.
Once you are viewing the collection, simply select Clone (Workshop) from the dropdown menu as shown.
The collection will then appear in your workshop.
You can then remove the collections from your "Added Collections" and the collection will still remain in your workshop.
When you update the collection now, Vortex will recognise you as the author and update the collection page you want.
When your page is all set up and all the steps completed, your collection will be ready to publish its first revision.